Monday, June 6, 2011

Other Aggie Catholic Bloggers

We have a number of Aggie Catholics who blog. Because we had another addition to the Aggie Catholic blogging community (see the first entry below), I decided to list out the ones I know about once again.

Please add any others you might know about in the comments:

Paul Michael Piega.
Paul Michael was one of my interns this past year. He is entering the seminary in the Fall (one of 10 Aggies entering formation this year) and has just started his new blog - The Savvy Seminarian. He even took the blog name I suggested, so he gets top billing in this list!

Matt Warner.
Matt is the man behind Flocknote, and several other sites. He also has two successful blogs. The first and biggest is FallibleBlogma and he also blogs for the National Catholic Register.

Taylor Marshall.
When Taylor was at A&M, he was not Catholic, in fact he was anti-Catholic at the time. But since graduating he went to seminary, became an Episcopal priest, became Catholic, and is now studying for his Ph.D., writing books, and more. Taylor blogs at Canterbury Tales by Taylor Marshall.

Abby Johnson.
Abby is the former Planned Parenthood clinic director in Bryan. After a conversion to the pro-life movement, she and her husband, Doug, have been going through RCIA with me. She is now one of the most popular pro-life speakers in the world and her book, Unplanned, is a best-seller. She blogs at

Sr. Lynn D'Souza.
Sr. Lynn is a in the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, MO. She is also the inventor of the low-gluten host, which got approval from the Vatican, to be used around the world for those suffering from celiac disease. She was featured on PBS for her invention. She blogs at Day By Day.

Shawn Carney.
Shawn is one of the co-founders of 40 Days for Life (founded with other Aggies) and currently the Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life. He contributes to the 40 Days for Life blog alongside David Bereit who is the Director of 40 Days for Life and also a former parishioner of St. Mary's.

Jennifer Fulwiler.
Jennifer was an atheist during her time at A&M. After studying her way to Christ, she and her husband became Catholic. She is now one of the most popular Catholic bloggers in the country and is writing a book about her conversion. You can find her at Conversion Diary as well as at the National Catholic Register.

Fr. Jason Cargo.
Fr. Jason is a priest in the Diocese of Dallas and an all-around great guy. He blogs at Fr. Cargo's Corner.

Devin Rose.
Devin is a former Baptist who became Catholic while at A&M. He now loves to defend the faith. Devin blogs at St. Joseph's Vanguard and Our Lady's Train.

Zach Rathke.
Zach is teaching at a school for impoverished children in Kenya. He blogs about his experiences in the mission fields at Life Abundant.

Carson Weber.
Carson is Associate Director for New Media Evangelization for the Diocese of Sacramento. He blogs at

Tom Reitmeyer.
Tom is a seminarian for the Diocese of Austin. His brother, Fr. Todd, was a young blogging Aggie priest before he was killed in a tragic boating accident (you can view the archived blog of Fr. Todd here).
Tom blogs at Aggie Catholic '00.

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