Monday, June 6, 2011

Getting Back on Track

So, being a grown up person is hard and kind of scary. My life has somewhat exploded lately, not in a terrible tragedy kind of way, but in a this-is-complicated-and-not-what-I-expected-what-do-I-do-now kind of way. There's really not much to do except regroup, add some reality to my plans and expectations and move forward as best I can.

That's kind of where I'm at right now. Big things happening this week. I'm moving in to a new apartment with new roommates and a new ward, got a couple of job interviews scheduled and waiting to hear back from a LOT of other places I've applied. Trying to make decisions and form plans about where I will be living in the fall, also trying to make decisions and plans in regards to grad school. All very uncertain and frankly terrifying.

Writing seems to be the one stable, certain thing in my life as far as plans and ambitions go. It's hard to keep that steady when absolutely everything else is or feels up in the air, but I think things may be starting to fall somewhat in to place again. I'm hoping to get everything stabilized soon so I can get back on a regular writing schedule and keep things going networking/marketing wise too. I don't want to lose grip on my WIP, and I've got some cool online platform things in development (be prepared for an awesome new YouTube series especially for writers).

I'm beginning to feel some semblance of confidence putting itself back together, and the goal is to keep a handle on the writing thing, keep things progressing nicely at least in that area, while I try and get things settled down everywhere else. Hopefully I can, and hopefully the regrouping will go very fast. Basically, all things writing are moving forward, though a bit hampered, and as soon as the world slows down enough for me to stand its full steam ahead.

Sarah Allen


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