Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Breaking News: I'm going to be a teacher!

So, some of you might have heard me complain a little bit lately about my life being unstable. Basically, I graduated from college with certain expectations and a certain plan in mind. Those plans kind of got smitherined, and I've been trying to regroup ever since. Part of that regrouping has been finding work. Mostly that means a job at a local charter high school. I've been talking with People, and its finally all gone through. If you looked up perfect job in the dictionary, there would be a picture of this job.

I'm not going to be full-time or anything like that. Which is totally fine. I'm good starting small. What I'll be doing is team-teaching a creative writing class and doing after school creative writing tutoring. Then maybe subbing for other classes too, as needed. Great way to start, and saying that this charter school is fantastic is sort of a ridiculous understatement.

Jobs have never been an exciting thing to me before. They've basically just been a means to an end, end meaning writing and also being able to buy groceries. But this job has got me completely stoked. It seems like it will be incredibly fulfilling and wonderful. Not always easy, maybe, but wonderful. And despite what I've heard to the contrary, the more I think about it, the more I think this job and writing will be mutually beneficial. Very much so. Words and creative juices will be flowing through my brain, which will keep me fresh for writing, and what I learn doing that writing, I can pass on in the classroom. I'm also excited and relieved to have a job where I will be interacting with people. To me that's an essential balancer for the sometime loneliness of writing.

You teachers out there, and you with classroom experience (meaning anyone who has ever stepped foot in a classroom)...this is not the time to be shy with ideas or advice. What works? What doesn't? I want to hear everything you can think to tell me.

So, basically, my life is stabilizing in what looks like is gonna be a very, very positive way. Getting into more of a schedule will be so nice, both for my sanity and my writing. It's also nice to have things settle in what could very easily be a long-term trajectory, if that makes sense. Details still need to be worked out, but I'm definitely happy dancing here. Let's keep things going the way they're going, okay life?

Sarah Allen

p.s. Check out the latest installment of Dear Muse, this time featuring awesomeness from So You Think You Can Dance, a sketch from my sister of Jimmer Fredette, and a story idea about a gremlin named Kismet.


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