Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Round-up

Some news to check out:

**A 17 year-old sold his kidney for an iPad. Pray for him.

**The valedictorian at Medina Valley High School, here in TX, wants to say a prayer during her speech. A judge said she can't. Seems to me this is a violation of free speech. Are they going to write the rest of her speech for her too?

**As a fan of Praise and Worship music (not all of it, but the good stuff), I thought this article which is quite critical of using it in liturgy was very thought-provoking.

**I grew up collecting comic books. My favorite series was X-Men. The new movie is getting rave reviews, including one from my favorite movie critic - Steven Greydanus. I can't wait to see it.

**Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who helped bring euthanasia into the mainstream, has died (naturally). Please pray for his soul. Related to this story - the USCCB is preparing a document on euthanasia.

**China still continues to abort girls at a very high rate. This is due to China's one-child policy and the fact that many families want a boy. This has created an unnaturally high number of men-to-women ration that is causing all kinds of social unrest. The sad thing is that radical feminists in the USA support this attack on women and girls - because it supports abortion.

**VP Joe Biden visited the Pope in a meeting that was kept out of the public eye. Some are speculating that the Pope might have given him the shake-down on abortion, as Benedict XVI did with Pelosi when she visited. Pray for our leaders.

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