Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lady Caca Presents The Therapy Tour

I Don't know what possessed me to watch ''The Monster Ball'' on HBO, but holy shit! I wasn't at all prepared for the mess that it was!
First off, bitch has no stage presence at all, we knew this, but this HBO special just confirms this.
The dancing is sub-par, kinda tough to understand why there is so much dancing, when it's clear to them that she can't hit all the moves or simply doesn't care.
But the worst part of this train wreck is the banter between songs! My god! it was almost fucking uncomfortable at times. She has absolutely no self-esteem and no confidence, and feels that telling us this will make us love her? What's up with that? And all the Jesus references? Bitch please! Give it a rest!
I'm kind of offended that this woman gets to do what she does, she's not cut out for it, and the fact that she's a good song-writer barely makes up for everything else.
let's see what happens next.

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