Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Reasons To Love Being Bald

As a shiny and proud bald man, who really doesn't mind that The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh My Hair Away...I have a list for you:

10 Reasons To Love Being Bald

  1. Save  money on haircuts and hair products. 
    -I will save somewhere between $5,000 - $10,000 over the course of my lifetime.
  2. Save time.
    -I don't have to fix my hair, dry it after a shower, or even look in a mirror most days.
  3. Look better with a goatee (or any kind facial hair)-Have you ever noticed how many bald guys have goatees? It is because they look so stinkin' awesome...
  4. Never get carded.
    -We carry our "over 21 ID" loud and proud on top of our heads.
  5. No "hat head"
    -I can take off a hat and never have to worry about what I look like once I go inside.
  6. No dandruff.
    -No hair = no flakes.
  7. Bald guys are more "manly".
    -Baldness is caused by testosterone. Duh, winning!
  8. Bald heads are more touchable.
    I never got random head rubs before being bald. Now some people can't resist.
  9. Cooler in the Texas heat.
    Natural air conditioning.
  10. God made us to be this way.
    FYI - Most of the really cool male Saints were bald.



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